Klasik Beans


West Java, Indonesia

Partnered with Stumptown



Typica, Catimor, Ateng Super, and Gayo

Processing techniques



1200 - 1700 Meters

On Our Menu

Indonesia Java Garut

Our partners at Klasik Coffees operate under the slogan, “Do the little things sincerely.” That intention is palpable; their care for each other and the coffee is matched by their concern for environmental preservation.

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The Klasik Beans Cooperative was established in 2010 in West Java. Stumptown was first introduced to the cooperative through its two founders - Eko Purnomowidi and Dadang Hendarsyah. After learning about a growing opportunity for specialty coffee in Java, Dadang and Eko began traveling to the region to purchase coffee. Shortly thereafter the duo set up a small wet mill in the district of Pangalengan for purchasing and processing cherry from area farmers. They then planted a small plot that would eventually become a model farm for ecologically sustainable coffee production within West Java.

Java was the first place coffee was cultivated in Indonesia, brought over by the Dutch in the 1600s. The island contains thirty-eight mountains which form an east-west spine. The mountains have all at one time been active volcanoes. The province of Ciwidey, located in West Java, is an agricultural community with a striking landscape. Terraced gardens and neat rice paddies are prominent; with crops like strawberries and onions growing abundantly.

Today, Klasik Beans Cooperative has over 2,000 members, and operates five processing facilities, referred to as shelters. Each shelter serves as a purchase point, wet mill, and warehouse for storing coffee. In this area of West Java, most producers lease their land for growing coffee from the government. Individual producers then contribute to a cooperative. Coffee production has grown significantly in the region over the last few decades.

Farmers deliver cherry to one of the five shelters and receive payment by the kilo. The day’s lots are combined, depulped, fermented for 16 hours, and washed the next morning. Coffee is then dried on covered raised beds before being hand-sorted as parchment. Finally, the parchment is allowed to continue to dry in covered patios.